Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Progress Update, and Tim Reviews Iron Man 3

It's almost the end of May.
Perhaps once I've transitioned from my current job to (fingers crossed) having this and other works published, I can start working on that ever-elusive time hack.

Dave and I continue to work, and in the interest of being able to complete this project within our lifetime, are considering bringing a third person on board to help with colouring. This want has been posted on our Facebook page, along with this black and white page for people to colour as they see fit:

This page is actually our first glimpse at the king of Carthanea, Kigh Eldorfath, and his military consul, Thanwol. Devotees will recall the first digital image we posted of Obrim Kesgarr, referring to Kigh's potential to wage war. It isn't spoiling anything to tell you that, yes, there will be a war.

Now, on to other nerdy thing...
I recently saw Iron Man 3. It's good, but I want to gripe about the villain. There's a big twist therein, so... Spoiler warning! Don't proceed if you don't want the twist revealed to you, if you don't already know what it is.