Monday 30 April 2012


Hola Amigos

It’s been a little while since we’ve had progress to report, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been
working hard.

There are a few new developments that we are pretty excited about, and we’ve been trying to figure
out the best way for two broke dudes to accomplish them.

Meanwhile, Tim has a short story published in May’s issue of Fuss Magazine, a new local publication
showcasing the arts – and the great thing is that it’s free, like so many other great things (uhhh….
Oxygen? Opinions?)

Anyways, take a gander, because there is a plethora of local talent that this magazine helps showcase.

Graphically speaking, Dave is working on some paintings that, even in their unfinished forms, are looking pretty spectacular. Hopefully we can get some pics for everyone soon.

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